Our customers, the company “DIS” and “Tako Lako”, won the prize of PC Press for the best online performance in 2016 ( “PC Press WebTop50”). Both prizes were awarded in the category of eMarket. These web sites are widely known to us (we often visit them), and on this occasion we sincerely congratulate wanting them, day after day, to be even better.
“DIS” (online.dis.rs) won the award because created an application that makes it easy to perform purchase in DIS markets. After registration it allows you ordering products, you can follow sales actions and as well to create a list of favourite items. Everything you order is delivered in the desired DIS market about which you’ll be notified by SMS message.
“Tako Lako” (takolako.com) has created a modern site that works well on all platforms (mobile phone, tablet, computer), it is easy to use and find the desired items. The site offers a variety of payment options, and delivery of goods can be carried out and over to the “Corner Shop”. Last year, during our annual summit „ERP susreti“, we gave as reward pedometers that we bought via this portal.