Mobile operations involve mobile ordering, merchandising and warehouse manipulation on mobile devices.

Mobile ordering (UPIS.MobUP)

This software product allows field workers to quickly and accurately place orders, even during the stay of the customer. When ordering worker has all the necessary information to successfully perform the job.

Ordering process is divided into several stages:

  • Prepare and plan site visits which are planned in UPIS.Partner or UPIS.Net
  • Fieldwork and data exchange to the central database
  • Issuance of job analysis (taking place in UPIS.Partner or UPIS.Net).

As part of the planning and preparation phase, done by employees in purchasing and sales department, should be the regional grouping of customers, defining a route tours, field officers joining buyers and real daily/monthly plans for visits to customers.

For the phase of the field visit employees perform download plans, mobstock reports and price lists from  central database and embark on a journey after planned routes visiting customers by the given order. When staying at customers they receive orders for goods, which are immediately entered into the mobile device and transmitted through the Web via GPRS network in exchange. During a visit fields sales worker can inform the customer, based on data available on device, about availability of certain goods, state of delivery, due liabilities and other information that are of interest to the customer.

Phase of issuance shipping order is done on a central database during which contracts, price lists and commercial conditions, action discounts, debt collections including overdrafts and other conditions are being validated. Only those orders that have successfully passed all the checks and consultations are being processed and good delivered.

Merchandising (UPIS.MobUT)

Performance of a company is directly dependent on its position in the market and therefore it is necessary to constantly monitor position and status of its products (goods) on actual and potential markets. For this purpose, various methods of sales promotion and marketing reporting are being done, and the most useful methods are those that enable rapid collection, processing and analysis of market parameters, which are subject IIBs software product for merchandising.

Construction around the sales promotion has several phases:

  • Prepare and plan site visits which are made in UPIS.Partner or UPIS.Net
  • Data exchange with central database
  • Job Analysis (taking place in UPIS.Partner or UPIS.Net)

As part of the preparation and planning phase, being performed by marketing managers, carried out a regional grouping of customers, define a route tours, joined by field agents to customers, create models of questionnaires (surveys) and make daily/monthly plans for visits to actual and potential markets. Marketing managers themselves define matter of survey, questionnaires such as data about customers (size, position of the object, number of employees, supply etc.), competition, competitors’ items, on the state of our BTL equipment at the customer, actions…

For the phase of fieldwork agents perform download of potential and actual customer data, questionnaires and plans for visits from the central database and embark on a journey after planned routes visiting customers by the given order. During his stay with the customer was prepared to be filled out questionnaires, which are immediately entered into the mobile devices and transmitted through the Web via GPRS network. During a visit to the customer, sales employee has informed him about general terms, our offer and other information that are interesting to potential and actual customers.

The analysis phase of work is done on a central database, on UPIS.Partner or UPIS.Net, expressing data analysis in the form of tables and graphs.

Warehouse manipulation (UPIS.MobS)

First version of the product includes tasks of: receiving, scheduling and issuing goods from the warehouse. Warehouses can be organized by locations or positions, goods are being tracked through pallets, lots, serial numbers, age… All tasks are being realized by warehouse employees by reading bar codes from all packages (single items, commercial packages, boxes, palettes, by date of manufacturing, by lot, by importance etc.).

All the above software are working on handheld computers with Windows or Android OS, and synchronize with the central database made via the web using the web service.