We recognized UPIS as a software that, to the greatest extent, can offer us what we were looking for. Experience of IIBs consultants gave us an assurance that we will successfully channel business processes and effectively recast them into systematic procedures.
Zoran Orlić, IT Manager
IIB d.o.o.
Zoran Orlić, IT Manager


UPIS has shown as very practical and applicable software. It is easy to learn, fast and very customizable ...
Petar Stojanović, IT Manager
IIB d.o.o.
Petar Stojanović, IT Manager


Area of entry quality control was not automatized at all before implementation of UPIS and only now we can say that we managed to connect all processes into integrated information system.
Miroslav Đorđević, Director of IT Sector at "PPT Servoupravljači"
IIB d.o.o.
Miroslav Đorđević, Director of IT Sector at "PPT Servoupravljači"


UPIS allowed us full control and management of business processes covering the entire flow of data and documents. It has specific functionalities for industry production of building materials, which for us was particularly interesting.
Janoš Varga, IT Manager
IIB d.o.o.
Janoš Varga, IT Manager


Thanks to felxibility of UPIS and with the help of experts from IIB we got a modern information system adapted to the standards of the company's needs.
Luka Kojić, CEO
IIB d.o.o.
Luka Kojić, CEO


Every healthy business entity attempts in any way to reduce costs. After implementation of UPIS ERP solution in the first year we halved the operating costs of inventories, interest, various taxes, etc. On the other hand, we have significantly increased the percentage of payments of our services.
Boris Vukmirović, COO
IIB d.o.o.
Boris Vukmirović, COO


UPIS.Net significantly improved reporting system and brought a lot of new elements in the organization of work and the flow of documentation. Business processes are better connected, monitoring and planning of all resources is much more efficient...
Danilo Borovnica, IT Manager
IIB d.o.o.
Danilo Borovnica, IT Manager


UPIS became our choice because it possessed modules for all spheres of our current and future operations. Pursuant to our slogan "everything for heating in one place" we sought to ensure that all information are in one place. UPIS made it possible ...
Dejan Todorović, IT Manager
IIB d.o.o.
Dejan Todorović, IT Manager


Thanks to the impressive help of IIB's employees, especially in the first months after go live, we have seen opportunities to connect business processes and streamlining operations.
Petar Stojković, IT Director
IIB d.o.o.
Petar Stojković, IT Director


With the help of UPIS ERP problems with communication in different languages have been overcome - all view the same report, but each in their own language.
Ljubiša Radenković, CEO
IIB d.o.o.
Ljubiša Radenković, CEO


To company's and users' satisfaction we finally got all the information in one place. It is precisely defined when, what and how something works. In the part of the procurement it made the correct classification of materials, established a series of contract - purchase order - receipt, always up to date reports on procurement by partners, items, price information...
Zoran Kostić, IT Director
IIB d.o.o.
Zoran Kostić, IT Director


We responsibly claim that we have significantly reduced the cost of tens of millions of record changes and lost profits are reduced considerably, because we were able to meet the demands of the market, and we lost no customers because of the inability to adapt to business changes.
Dragan Ilić, Head of IT
IIB d.o.o.
Dragan Ilić, Head of IT

IIB d.o.o.